We strive to provide our 14.000 employees with a work environment, where human rights are protected, occupational health and safety is prioritized, they are supported for professional development, and everyone is given fair and equal opportunities. We believe in a fully inclusive, equal and diverse workforce.
We prioritize regional development and protection of our traditional values. We strive to provide maximum benefit to the economy of the country through export to and collaborations with more than 100 countries.
For gender equality, we make efforts towards increasing the number of female employees and the number of senior female managers and ensuring full and effective female participation in decision-making processes.
Adopting the life philosophy of Sani Konukoğlu, which is “Sharing is Happiness”, the Sani Konukoğlu Foundation was established in 1989 in order to execute the works of the Konukoğlu Family and SANKO Holding for the society in the fields of education, health and culture, being the most fundamental requirements of life, with sustainable models and to have the best for our country.
The Sani Konukoğlu Foundation has so far built 22 schools, three of which are faculty buildings, and put them at the service of Turkish National Education. Under the auspices of the foundation, SANKO University accommodating the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Vocational School of Health Services was established in 2013.
Getting out from the words of Sani Konukoğlu, the founder of the foundation, “Those who have never waited at the hospital gate cannot appreciate the value of hospitals.”, the Sani Konukoğlu Hospital was put into service in 1996 and contributed to the improvement of the quality of healthcare services in the region. The hospital, which constitutes the basis of SANKO University, serves in a closed area of 60,000 m². A healthcare complex and two healthcare centres were built and transferred to the Turkish Ministry of Health.
Sani Konukoğlu Foundation built 15 mosques in various cities of Türkiye and opened them for worship.
With the non-refundable grant given to approximately 1.500 university students every year, the educational journeys of students are supported by meeting the clothing, stationery, etc. requirements of the needy 10.500 students who are studying at primary, secondary, and high schools.
SANKO University aims to raise inquiring, productive, innovative, competent and qualified individuals in national and international platforms through its fields of application based on advanced technology and under the leadership of its strong academic staff members with particular approaches, who have a strong social responsibility to serve humanity, and to train qualified healthcare professionals of the future by considering the needs of the region and the country in the field of healthcare.
SANKO University Hospital, which is currently one of the largest healthcare organizations introduced to our country with a capacity of 600 beds in an area of 60.000 m², started to operate in 1996 in Gaziantep by considering the needs of the region and the country in the field of healthcare. SANKO University Hospital is Türkiye‘s largest private hospital established under a single roof.
Private SANKO Schools was founded in 2001. Its vision is to become a cult school opening to the world from Gaziantep and to raise sophisticated students with its philosophy of “Universal knowledge, local values, all human. Private SANKO Schools continue to operate in the field of education in an effort to raise self-actualized individuals on the way to become a “COMPLETE PERSON” with social, cultural and sportive achievements and academic success.
Being the first private art gallery in the South-East, SANKO Art Gallery was put into service of artists and art lovers in 2004. 338 exhibitions by more than 702 artists have been opened in the gallery since 2004.